Point Rankings

Each tournament we will be giving away points for team rankings which will be implemented for State and National tournaments. Before the State tournament the top team in each division will receive a FREE State Berth.

For Men’s Upper, Top C AND Top D team will both receive a FREE State Berth. For Men’s Mids/Lower and Women’s, Top Team in each division will receive a FREE State Berth.

Teams that win State will receive a FREE National Berth.

Point system…

• 10 points for every tournament you register in
• 15 points for every win on the winners side
• 5 points for every win on the losers side

1st place = 100 points
2nd place = 75 points
3rd place = 50 points
4th place = 25 points
5th place = 10 points


If a D team beats a C team they will receive double points. Example… Beat a C team on the winners side = 30 points, beat a C team on the losers side = 10 points.

If maxed out at 16 teams and 6+ are C teams, ANY D team that places within the top 5 will receive double points for their placement. Example… Take 3rd place you’ll receive 100 points instead of 50.